Thursday, November 18, 2010


[Case study]
Ming, male, late 20s, F5 level. Married and divorced in his early 20s. He got one school age kid, let call him Little Ming. Ming live with his parents, one in early 70s with chronic illness and one in mid-60s, and his son in a low rent apartment. He is not very bright, but he work hard to support his family.

Ming works as a salesmen, the kind you see on the street of MongKok or CWB. He wakes up at 9:30am, got to work and 10:30 for daily briefing, on the street working at about 11am. He usually pack up and leave the street at 11:00 pm, and then go back to office, submit all the sales and documentation. At about 1:00 am he take a bus home, go to sleep at 2:00am.

Little Ming, typical school age kid, wake up and go to school at about 7:30am and leave school in the afternoon. Because one of his grandparent is not very healthy, they don't have the energy to take care of him after school, so he is at the care of his relative until dinner time. Grand parents take care of him until bed time.

In weekdays, Ming only see his son is when Little Ming is asleep. Ming get 2 weekend days off per months, he love his kid and he spend all his time with him whenever possible.
[Case Study end]

Ming is real, he's my relative living in HK. I'm sure he is not alone in this situation. There are many people living like this.

Kids are not computers. You cannot teach value just by giving instructions. Kid learn by imitating people around them. Kid learn positive value from people they have a positive relationship with. Being around takes time. It funny someone said it is about QUALITY, not QUANTITY. If the quantity is so small like the case above, how great is the quality?

Money does not solve every problem in the world. However, many things taken for granted has a correlation with your social economical class. Having time to do the thing you wanted to do, a symbol of middle class life style, certainly is related to your net worth.


  1. 不知你有否看過莫雪兒的故事,他們一家窮困但富足。你上述所說的案例不止香港在加國在其他地方也比比皆是,很多時候縱然環境迫人也是有選擇和社會援助的。


  2. Re: C9jenni
    Sorry, I don't know about 莫雪兒.
    I don't believe Little Ming don't have a future either. What I'm trying to say is, many things that seems like have nothing to do with money actually does.

  3. Right.

    In raising small kids, the quantity of time is directly proportional to the so-called Quality.

  4. I think you're right. If my husband can't support the family by his one income, I can't quite my job and go to my daughter school often. I won't know what she's learning and I can't help her homework. Most importantly, I won't have quality time with her. As when I got home, she and I were both tired and we could only manage the bedtime routine.

  5. i just want to say i agree with you.

    re raising a kid, money plays a tricky role. like an old saying: 金錢不是萬能﹐沒錢也是萬萬不能。

  6. 莫雪兒現在還未入小學,當她遂漸長大而父親又年老不能工作全家靠綜援為生,她進入群體社會嗰陣還可以幸福嗎?

    升斗之歌 : 開心快活人
